Due to the good public transportation in the Netherlands distance has become irrelevant. We can reach almost any destination by train easily and relatively quick. In our busy lives we now think in time rather than distance. Therefore the current maps, as we know them today, are obsolete. Thinking in time affects a map and hence the shape of the Netherlands also depending on the perspective from which we look. From the perspective of Eindhoven, for instance, the Netherlands is relatively small because of the quick and easy connections to other cities. At the same time, seen from a more remote and small village such as Stavoren the Netherlands is much bigger. Not only the location from which one looks, or travels, but the hour of the day is very important. At night the map of the Netherlands will expand because there are no night trains and in the morning it will shrink once trains will commence their schedules.
INDEX:Award 2013 Nominee
FastCompany’s Innovation by Design Awards Finalist
the Information is Beautiful Awards Finalist
BrainsAward Finalist
Selected Publications:
Cartographics – Designing the modern map, Sendpoints, 2016
FastCoDesign: The 22 Best Infographics We Found In 2011
FastCoDesign: Gorgeous Travel Planner Shows Times, Rather Than Distances
Wired: TimeMaps generates isochronic maps from travel times

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